I'm not a researcher. I'm not even an academic. I am, however, an educator. Learning products and programs and courses and services I've built, or built the guidelines and teams for building, have taught literally hundreds of thousands of people on all levels of education in all sorts of different fields of content. I've worked in corporate, higher ed, continuing ed, K-12. I've worked internationally and domestically, and in content areas as diverse as sales training and medical education, social work and computer science. I've done a lot of teaching teachers to teach. All of it has been technology-delivered, from web to video to satellite to CD-ROM to videoconference. A lot has been hybrid. So I'm in a bit of a unique position to talk about what works... everywhere.
I also operate in the business world, which is to say I build things that people buy. And people who buy things expect them to work. So I don't and won't waste time and energy and resources trying out the latest, greatest, hottest new learning theory. I have to go with what I know. I've made some mistakes. But there are some things that just never let me down. And that's what I'd like to share here.
So in response to Athabasca's Theory and Practice of Online Learning quoted above, and to the Deans for Impact report on the Science of Learning, I offer my own brief compendium of what I call Learning Theories That Actually Work.
Here's what a learning theory needs in order to qualify for my list:
- It makes sense on the face of it
- It has a solid history in research and practice
- It's easy to implement
- I've tried it, and it works
1. Gagne's 9 Events (Learning Model)
2. Felder-Silverman Learning Styles Model (Global/Sequential, Visual/Verbal)
3. Social Learning Theory (Role Models)
4. Maslow's Hierarchy (Identity-Level Outcomes)
5. Bloom's Taxonomy (Critical Thinking)
6. Active Learning (Discovery, Individualized Instruction)
7. Metacognition (Self-Awareness)
8. Kirkpatrick's 4 Levels of Evaluation (Outcome Measurement)
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